If we leave the pre-earthly image as something beyond the scope of the history of Man on this earth, we get the image of the first man and his wife, Adam and Eve, and his children. Adam is a completely new creation endowed with
spiritual knowledge and blessed with the duty of a Prophet ~ for his children. We do not get any details ·about his life. We are informed of his two sons, Abel and Cain. The next picture is of human corruption and the destruction of all unbelievers by a great flood at the time of another Prophet, Noah. From Noah till the last Prophet there is a continuous line of Prophethood and human history, with the rise and fall of nations integrally related to faith and Man’s behaviour, his acceptance or denial of the Message that Allah had sent through His prophets.
The life of the last Prophet, peace be upon him, proves beyond all doubt that all authority ultimately belongs to Allah. He chooses those who obey Him and fight for His cause. When a nation disobeys Allah and upsets the code of life granted by Him then Allah sends warnings to that nation in the form of natural calamities. But if the nation does not repent and becomes more hard-hearted then He sends human beings to destroy those people. He also sows the seeds of discord among those nations which give up His code and proudly and arrogantly pose to be self sufficient.

There is thus a Divine plan in history.

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