SACRIFICE The Making of a Muslim

Sacrifice is the stuff of which good and successful, ordinary human lives are made. Without it, life will be devoid of peace, harmony and co-operation, full of conflict and discord, a prey to self-centredness, covetousness and immediate gratification of desires. Moreover, neither families nor communities can exist or achieve cohesiveness
and strength without some sacrifice on the part of their members. Also, no human endeavour can, succeed in reaching its goal unless one sacrifices things valued or desired.
Sacrifice is the nourishment without which the tiny seeds of Iman will not grow into mighty, leafy trees, providing shade and fruit to the countless caravans of mankind (Ibrahim 14:24-5). It must be the constant companion without which the path of Jihad cannot be traversed, for across it stretch endless deserts and high mountains (at-Tawbah 9:24). It is one of those keys without which the closed doors do not unlock (al-Baqarah 2:214). It is true whether the path taken is personal – to reach spiritual and moral heights, or social – to cast life and society in the mould of Islam (surrender to One God). And it is true, when these two paths most desirably merge together. For the
loftier the goal and more arduous the way, the greater the need to sacrifice, and sacrifice more and more.
Sacrifice, as you can now see, is a vast subject. Closely intertwined with it is the equally vast and important theme of trials and tribulations (ibtila’ and mahnah) and of patience (sabr).

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