The Moderate Religion

This compilation was adapted from the third section of a Ph.D thesis, the main framework of the compilation. The book was published under the title ‘Wasatiyyah ahl Sunnah bayna al Firaq’ (Moderation of Ahl- Sunnah between the Sects) by Dr. Muhammad Ba’kareem Muhammad Ba’Abdullah, a professor in the Islamic University of Madinah, KSA. I translated some of the third section of the book entitled ‘Moderation of the Muslims between extremism and negligence.
The author writes: The headings and some of the subtitles are from Dr. Ba’Abdullah’s book as well. I added onto Dr. Ba’Abdullah’s speech where I saw it to be relevant with quotes from the scholars and brought examples from the modern day to give these topics more clarity. At the same time I tried to respond to some of the doubts and propaganda which the enemies of Islam spread to keep people away from knowing and accepting the truth.

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