The Methods of Shaytan In Leading People Astray

It is due to the seriousness of Shaytan’s fitnah (temptation, tribulation, trial) that Allah has distinctly exposed his goals and plots in the Qur’aan. The Prophet repeatedly warned against Shaytan’s power to tempt mankind into disobeying Allah. He would relentlessly reveal Shaytan’s trickery and deceit and inform about ways of defense against the accursed. So, what are the deceptions, tricks and strategies of Shaytan? How does Shaytan enter the human soul and drive it towards sin and transgression? How does he corrupt people’s hearts and souls by making false promises and arousing high hopes? Does Shaytan posses the power to force us into committing sins? To what extent will Shaytan succeed in achieving his goal? Can we defeat Shaytan? This booklet will Insha’Allah, comprehensively answer these baffling questions and dispel many doubts on the subject like why Allah created Shaytan and why Shaytan was granted his r r – 01 – “Surely, Shaytan is an enemy to you, so take (treat) him as an enemy.” [Soorah al-Fatir (35): 6]