The Path To Guidance by Ibn Qayyim

Get up and hurry in servitude to Allah and being with Him in the Home of Peace, without any tiredness, hardship or fatigue but by the nearest and easiest of paths. And this is by realising that you are in a time between two times which is what constitutes your life, and this the present time which is between what has passed and what is yet to come. Then that which has passed you can correct by repentance, remorse and seeking forgiveness. This is something in which there will be no tiredness, fatigue or any straining efforts required on your behalf. It is nothing but the action of the heart..“
Allaah is the One I ask and for Whose reply I hope: that He is benevolent to the brother in this life and the hereafter, that He brings about benefit by him and makes him blessed wherever he may be. Verily the blessing of a man lies in his teaching of goodness wherever he may be and his giving of advice to everyone he meets.
Allaah, the Exalted said, informing about al-Maseeh (i.e., Jesus) (υ):

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