Islam In China

A Christian Missionary’s narrative about Islam in China. Nineteen years ago, the writer, in the course of a long overland journey across China, came for the first time into personal contact with the Chinese Moslems.

A prolonged visit, one Sabbath day, in company with Mr. John Brock, to a mosque in a city on the borders of the provinces of Honan and Anhwei, gave rise to many reflections con- cerning the followers of Mohammed residing so far away from the prophet’s sacred city of Mecca.

The first sight of a Moslem place of prayer, so clean and well-kept, in con- trast with the dirty condition of an ordinary Chinese temple; the absence of all images in a land given to idolatry ; the ornamental inscriptions in Arabic in preference to the Chinese character, so honoured by the Confucian scholar ; and the conversation with a Mullah on lines quite other than those generally followed by the ordinary Chinese, could hardly fail to make a lasting impression.

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